Elbow Specialist in Mumbai


Elbow Anatomy

The elbow is a complex joint formed by three bones – the humerus (upper arm bone), radius, and ulna (the two forearm bones). It is also known as a compound joint as it consists of three unique sub-joints formed by the three bones, which are:

Essentially, the elbow joint functions include:

Conditions causing elbow pain

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Some of the most common conditions of the elbow pain:

Lateral Epicondylitis/ Tennis Elbow

Lateral Epicondylitis/ Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a condition that occurs by overloaded elbow tendons, usually by the repetitive wrist and arm motions. Despite its name, athletes aren’t the only ones developing tennis elbow. People whose jobs feature the motions that can lead to tennis elbow include plumbers, painters, carpenters, and butchers.



Repetition of forearm stress can damage your tendon. In addition, some sports, like tennis, can increase your likelihood of developing a tennis elbow.


Tennis Elbow

Medial epicondylitis/golfer's elbow

Golfer’s elbow, or baseball elbow, is characterized by pain from the elbow to the wrist on the elbow’s inside (medial side). The pain is caused by damaged tendons. Tendons are cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones.



Pain along the palm side of the forearm, from the elbow to the wrist, on the same side as the little finger. The pain can be felt when bending the wrist toward the palm against resistance or squeezing a rubber ball.

Golfer's Elbow


Olecranon Bursitis

Elbow bursitis occurs in the olecranon bursa, a thin, fluid-filled sac located at the elbow’s boney tip (the olecranon). Many bursae throughout the body act as cushions between bones and soft tissues, such as skin.




Olecranon bursa is diagnosed purely on clinical grounds. A plain X-ray or ultrasound/MRI scan may be needed at times


Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Tears

An ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tear is an injury to the ligaments on the inner side of the elbow. This ligament connects the inside upper arm to the inside of your forearm and helps support and stabilize your arm.




ulnar collateral ligament

Ganglion Cyst of the Elbow

Ganglion cysts are common benign soft-tissue swellings, which can be found in any joint of the body, but 60-70% are found in the dorsal aspect of the wrist and communicate with the joint via a pedicle.


If you have a ganglion cyst, you will have a small bump near your elbow joint. Most of the time, this bump will be painless.


The direct cause of a ganglion cyst is unknown.


Ganglion cysts can go away on their own. However, if you have a ganglion cyst on your elbow or another joint that is causing you pain, seek help from a doctor. 

Most elbow pain has a simple cause and vanishes within a few days. The pain comes from strained or inflamed soft tissues such as tendons. However, it’s important to not rest for too long as lack of movement causes joints to stiffen and the muscles around the elbow weaken, increasing the chance of other symptoms. To meet an elbow joint specialist in Mumbai for further details, book your appointment with Dr. Ganesh Rajeshwar now.

Ganglion Cyst of the Elbow