Neck pain-When to visit your orthopaedic doctor

Person having neck pain


Neck pain is pain that starts in the neck and can radiate down to one or both of the arms. Neck pain can come from a number of disorders or diseases that involve any of the tissues in the neck, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments or muscles.

cervical neck

The neck region of the spinal column, the cervical spine, consists of seven bones (C1-C7 vertebrae), which are separated from one another by intervertebral discs. These discs allow the spine to move freely and act as shock absorbers during activity.

Neck pain may be caused by arthritis, disc degeneration, narrowing of the spinal canal, muscle inflammation, strain or trauma


When to visit your orthopaedic doctor

If the neck pain occur after :

  1.  It occurs after an injury or blow to the head
  2. Reduce range of neck movements
  3. Stiff neck prevents the patient from touching chin to chest
  4. Pain shoots down one arm. There is tingling, numbness or weakness in the arms or hands
  5. The pain does not respond to over-the-counter pain medication. Pain does not improve after a week


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